Senator Carol Fukunaga, Co-Chair
              Senator Andrew Levin, Co-Chair

                     NOTICE OF HEARING

        DATE:  Wednesday, March 1, 2000

        TIME:  9:00 a.m.

        PLACE: Conference Room 211
                 State Capitol
                 415 South Beretania Street

                        A G E N D A

S.B. 2434     Relating to Substance Abuse              JDC/HHS, WAM
              Establishes a substance abuse multi-agency coordinating
              council within the department of health to develop
              statewide policy guidelines regarding education,
              prevention, and treatment programs; provides funding
              sources and mechanisms.                              

S.B. 2763     Relating to the Enforcement of the Tobacco  JDC/HHS, WAM
SD1           Settlement Agreement

              Establishes the Tobacco Enforcement Special Fund.  Exempts
              the Fund from the central service surcharge and from
              reimbursement for departmental administrative expenses.
              Revises the distribution of the tobacco settlement moneys.

S.B. 2457     Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement    HHS, WAM
SD1           Moneys

              Prohibits supplanting or diminishing of funds from
              Department of Health budget because of tobacco settlement
              moneys; allows nonprofit entity selected to administer the
              trust fund to expend principal and interest of funds in
              tobacco prevention and control trust fund; clarifies
              appropriation period.  

S.B. 2496     Relating to Hawaii Tobacco Settlement    HHS, WAM
SD1           Moneys

              Allocates 20 per cent of tobacco settlement moneys to
              emergency and budget reserve fund and 55 per cent to
              Department of Health; requires DOH to spend 10 per cent on
              early childhood education and care and youth programs and
              10 per cent on substance abuse treatment for pregnant
              women, families, and teens.  
S.B. 2486     Relating to Taxation                     HHS, WAM
              Provides that the excise tax on cigarettes shall be
              imposed and collected through the use of stamps purchased
              by licensees, and affixed to cigarette packages. Includes
              provisions for civil and criminal penalties, and for
              forfeitures of cigarettes, to be enforced by the police
              departments, liquor commissions, the attorney general, and
              prosecuting attorneys.  Requires the Director of Taxation
              to submit findings and recommendations to the legislature
              for the 2006 Session on effectiveness of Act.        
S.B. 3180     Relating to Taxation                     WAM

              Establishes a procedure for the payment of taxes through
              the stamping of cigarettes. 

S.B. 2194     Relating to Income Tax Credits           WAM

              Allows a $20 income tax credit for obtaining CPR

S.B. 1427     Relating to Aquaculture                  ECD, WAM

              Expands in the general excise tax law the definition of
              "wholesaler" to include transactions carried on in the
              business of aquaculture production. 

S.B. 2838     Relating to the State Internet Portal    EDU, WAM

              Defines internet portal to mean the centralized electronic
              information system by which information is provided via
              dial in modem or continuous link to the public through
              subscription or through public libraries. 

S.B. 3132     Relating to Information Technology       EDU, WAM
              Establishes an information technology initiative special
              fund; requires funding for technology in state government

              at two per cent of the state budget, and four per cent of
              the DOE budget, to rise to unspecified percentages in
              2005; requires state agencies to make budgets and reports
              accessible online.                          

Copies of the following proposals can be obtained in Rooms 210 and 213.

S.B. 2409     Relating to Taxation                     ECD/EDU, WAM
              Proposes the elimination of the expiration of stock
              exchange; exempts certain activities of call centers from

S.B. 2499     Making an Appropriation to the Legislative  WAM
SD1 (PROPOSED) Agencies

              Corrects a technical drafting error to Act 138, Session
              Laws of Hawaii 1999 relating to the legislative agencies
              salary increases and other cost adjustments. 

S.B. 2542     Relating to State Bonds                  WAM
              Provides for the issuance of general obligation bonds.
              Exempts state government agencies, including the
              judiciary, from having to perfect security interests in
              state bonds. 

S.B. 1242     Relating to the Legislature              WAM
              Transfers responsibility for evaluating new special or
              revolving funds from the State Auditor to the Legislative


Persons wishing to testify should submit 40 copies of their testimony to
the committee clerk, Room 213, State Capitol, 24 hours prior to the
hearing.  Testimony may also be faxed if less than 5 pages in length, to
the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Office at 586-6659 or 1-800-586-6659 (toll free
for neighbor islands), at least 24 hours prior to the hearing.  Please be
prepared to summarize your testimony upon request.  When faxing, please
indicate to whom the testimony is being submitted, the date and time of the
hearing, and the required number of copies needed for submittal.

If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids or services to
participate in the public hearing process (i.e., sign language interpreter,
wheelchair accessibility, or parking designated for the disabled), please
contact the committee clerk 24 hours prior to the hearing so arrangements
can be made.


____________________________      _______________________________
Senator Carol Fukunaga            Senator Andrew Levin
Co-Chair                          Co-Chair